Energia prices to rise across electricity and gas

Energia recently announced that it will be increasing prices for both electricity and gas customers. Electricity and gas tariffs are both set to rise by 15% from 25th April.

Energia have stated that whilst the company makes every effort to deliver the best possible value to customers, these increases are the result of a sustained period of elevated global energy market prices.

Andy Meagher, Director ROI Customer Solutions said:

“The wholesale cost of gas and electricity has risen substantially over recent months. We are very conscious that these global issues impact our customers locally, and we remain committed to delivering the very best value and service. As such, we have done our best to absorb the increases in wholesale and commodity costs but these price changes are unavoidable.”

What impact will this have on bills

This latest price increase from Energia will add around €179 a year to the average household’s annual gas bill and €247 to the average annual electricity bill. The increase for dual fuel customers will be an average of €426 per year.

And this continues a trend of increasing prices as Energia increased energy prices three times last year and gas prices twice.

  • On 5th April they increased gas prices by 5.7% and electricity prices by 8.6% adding €48 a year to gas bills and €102 to electricity bills
  • On 8th July they increased gas and electricity prices by 9.7% adding €89 a year to gas bills and €125 to electricity bills
  • On 18th October, they increased gas prices by 18.5% and electricity prices by 15.7% adding €187 a year to gas bills and €223 to electricity bills

About Energia

Energia supplies green electricity, gas and dual fuel tariffs to around 158,000 electricity customers and 60,000 gas customers across Ireland – this accounts for around 7.5% of all electricity customers and 8.8% of gas customers in Ireland.

Energia is an Irish-based energy company and is part of the Energia Group, formerly Viridian Group, which also supplies consumers in Northern Ireland through Power NI.

What can you do?

If you are struggling to pay your bills, particularly after a price hike such as this, you can contact your energy supplier to ask about different payment options. This can take the pressure off large lump sums and help you maintain a sustainable budget.

You can also look at different ways to simply cut back on your energy usage. Some ideas take little to no effort—such as turning off lights when you aren’t using them, turning your thermostat down 1 degree, or turning devices off entirely rather than leaving them on standby—while others require more work. You can start to dry clothes outside instead of in the tumble dryer, shorten your shower, or update your appliances so that they run more efficiently.

You could even switch your energy deal. Switching is typically the fastest and easiest way to save money on your energy bills, and you can find out if you could save money within five minutes using an energy price comparison tool – like Power to Switch! On average, our customers save €470 on their energy bills when they switch with us.


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